Approach to New Evangelization

Apr 18, 2021 | Social

I first heard about this organization several years ago in a St. Francis parish bulletin which described their video “Best Advent Ever”. I was skeptical, wondering if this approach to evangelization would be full of righteous pontification, but I decided to give it a try. With free 2-3 minute daily videos, there was not a lot of “investment” on my part. They were very worthwhile, straightforward, down to earth, inspiring, and not at all pontificating! This led me to the follow up set of videos called “Best Lent Ever,” then some of Matthew Kelly’s books (he’s the head of Dynamic Catholic and a terrificauthor, speaker, moderator, “evangelizer.”

As my admiration and participation in the organization grew, I decided (with Fr. Peter’s encouragement) to apply our paish to the Dynamic Catholic “Parish Champion Program” and we were accepted. Now, several times a year (but cut back recently due to Covid), we receive a modest distribution of books, usually authored by Matthew Kelly, to distribute to our parishioners. These distributions have included Christmas Eve Mass, Ash Wednesday and have also been included in Welcome Packages that have been distributed to new housing developments within our Parish borders. The most recent free book featured was Matthew’s “I Heard God Laugh”, and hundreds were picked up (and hopefully read!) at the beginning of Lent. We also made the books available at Easter.

This organization is bringing a fresh and modern perspective to evangelization as described in its Mission Statement: “To re-energize the Catholic Church, in America by developing world-class resources that inspire people to rediscover the genius of Catholicism.”

We encourage you to go to and peruse the various offerings and programs. They even sponsor pilgrimages, similar to those some of us may have experience over the years with Fr. Peter!

Enjoy! And Happy Easter Season to all!

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