Youth Ministry Returns April 18th
There’s so many ways to join the fun. Click the button below to get started.
Join Instruments of Peace our Youth Rock Mass. Practice is at 4:00 right before 5:00 Mass on Sundays. Play an instrument? Contact us with your grade level and instrument. Singers will sit in the first 3 pews!
Join our virtual Artists Come Alive program every other Friday at 6:30 to learn about a new artist each week and create a masterpiece in that artist’s style.
Homework Help
We will have qualified teachers in math and reading available at 3pm each weekday and 10am Saturday to help students grades 6 to 9 via Zoom.
Youth Bible Study with Father Peter
Prepare Your Mass, with reflection on the upcoming readings. Learn about the lives of the saints and how to be inspired by their example. Come with your own ideas!
Featuring special guests for Starfish Young Adult Coffee House
Mission Trips and Service Opportunities
Box City, Midnight Run, Help build houses for the homeless, and more!
Stay updated with your parish.