About Us
Sowing the seeds of the future in the good soil of tradition.
St. Francis of Assisi is a Roman Catholic Church steeped in history, yet forward thinking, creating a positive impact on our community while bringing brothers and sisters in Christ together to be the hands and feet of Jesus. In the true Franciscan way, we sow the seeds of the future in the good soil of tradition.
What sets us apart?
We combine with the traditional with the innovative to reach all members of our church family.
Some of the programs that set us apart from our neighboring parishes are our beautiful Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, Christian Youth Rock Band Instruments of Peace, Unique Starfish Young Adult Coffee House, and Creole Devotion and Masses, just to name a few.
Our leaders:
Rev. Peter F. Kaczmarek
Rev. François Eale
In Residence
Deacon Allan Longo
Deacon Jean Cantave
Deacon James Byrne
Want to learn more?