Pastor’s Desk – Month of October 2022

Oct 30, 2022 | Pastors Desk

A Message from Father Peter

October 30th – Thirty – First Sunday of Ordinary Time

The special liturgical “Double Header” – All Saints and All Souls Days – are a favorite with our Catholic people! These wonderful feasts make concrete the promises of Jesus “Come, Blessed of My Father, and take possession of the kingdom.” On Saints Day we honor the countless multitudes who, though not formally and publicly declared saints, rejoice in heaven with God for all eternity. They constitute “The Church Triumphant!” On Good Friday Jesus forgave the “good” thief and promised him paradise. Yes, it is clear he must do something to atone for his many sins. Hence Purgatory! We’ve assisted these souls with our prayers, and especially through the Novena of Masses available to us here at St. Francis. We kindly urge you to participate in this great prayer event. Envelopes are available in the vestibule of the church. These “poor souls” benefit greatly from us and from above, they are already praying for us! They make up the “Church Suffering.”

We here on earth make up the “Church Militant”; we engage in “spiritual warfare” against the powers of the enemy who tries to get us to turn from God and go in the opposite direction! The saints in heaven and these Holy Souls in purgatory are providing spiritual guidance and strength constantly. Let us remember them on these glorious days.

A Message from Father Peter

October 23rd – Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Remember the “Ol’ time” Parish Mission – Women’s Mission, Men’s Mission, each running for a full week – five nights – to a packed house? A whole team of an “Order” (e.g. Passionists) priests would come in, with a young priest who would work with the teens!

Please welcome Fr. Lou Cerulli to St. Francis this weekend. Nowadays, the Missionary comes alone, but God uses his men as well. Fr. Lou is a unique personality. His message is down-to-earth and convincing, just what we all need at this time.

Saturday: 9:00am – 2:00pm in the Lower Church
Fr. Lou to speak at all Masses
Monday through Wednesday Evenings – 7:00pm – 9:00pm

There are plenty of troubles in our world today. Fr. Lou can help us to trust God, and not give in to anxiety.

October 17th – Twenty-Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Just what the doctor ordered, the “Divine Physician” – Jesus, that is – an old fashioned, honest to goodness Parish Mission, preached by Fr. Lou Cerulli of Montreal, Canada. Fr. Lou has been here once before, but it is his long established custom to return to a parish and give a specific follow-up mission to reignite the flames of faith, hope and love stirred up by his first visit. There are the usual three night presentations, but for those who do not come out or drive in the evenings, we are offering a short daytime Saturday mini-mission. Do not miss out on this joyful event; Fr. Cerulli is the only guest preacher whose attendance went up after his first talk. Come to the mission! After all the struggles of the Covid-19 pandemic, we need spiritual refreshment more than ever. Fr. Cerulli will be preaching at all weekend Masses October 22-23.

Here’s the schedule for both Saturday and evening mission programs:

Mini-Mission Saturday, October 22

  • 9:00am – Musical warmup
  • 9:30am – First talk, Upper Church
  • 10:30am – Break
  • 11:00am – 12noon Second talk
  • 12:00noon – 12:30pm Break
  • 12:30pm – 1:00pm Final talk

Evening Mission Monday, October 24

  • 6:45pm – Musical warmup
  • 7:00pm – Mission Preaching

Evening Mission Tuesday, October 25

  • 6:45pm – Musical warmup
  • 7:00pm – Mission Preaching

Evening Mission Wednesday, October 26

  • 6:45pm – Musical warmup
  • 7:00pm – Mission Preaching

October 9th – Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Last weekend was one of Celebration and Special Joy! Three Bishops visited us, Bishop Andrzej Jerzy Zglejszewski of the Diocese of Rockville Centre and Bishop Witold Mruziewski of the Diocese of Brooklyn Joined us to honor three Polish Sisters – Sr. Bernarda, Sr. Alicja, and Sr. Katarina – in celebration of their anniversary of solemn profession as Missionary sisters of St. Benedict. The dedication, self-sacrifice, and charity of the sisters are an example to us all. Our parish is not only fortunate but truly blessed to have them here with us. Many parishioners got to know Sr. Bernarda since she’s taught in our Religious Ed program for a good number of years. Her lively personality and sense of humor have brought her many friends.

On Sunday Bishop Robert Coyle of our Diocese and our New Vicar joined us in a “Ribbon Cutting” and Open House for the inauguration of the newly opened counseling center Living Waters Catholic Counseling Center. The blessing of the  repurposed storage /garage was a milestone in the long career of Carol Rubano, who was at St. Elizabeth’s in Melville for 20 years. The presence of the “Living Waters Center” is a true blessing for us as a Parish. Living Waters will pay the parish a basic rent and be responsible for their own utilities, Heat, AC, insurance, and phone. Some small parish-based groups in collaboration with Carol Rubano may meet at the Center as the schedule of clients allows.

October 2nd – Twenty-Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

It is interesting to study the similarities and differences between Medjugorje and various approved apparitions, for example Lourdes, or Fatima. Part of the problem that Medjugorje had in winning approval was the sheer number of alleged apparitions claimed for the site – a far cry from the 18 or so apparitions that ended after a few months, experienced at Lourdes by a single visionary, Bernadette Soubirous. People without critical reflection felt that all apparitions should follow that model. They did not factor in all the changes in the culture of faith in France and the modern world. If Medjugorje remained limited to the frequency of the Lourdes events, it probably would have been forgotten in a few short years. After 1917 Fatima also continued with other revelations and so remained relevant! The Madonna of Medjugorje is well acquainted with the distractions pulling on modern hearts and minds – it takes a lot to get people’s attention in the digital age!

While the visionaries of Lourdes and Fatima suffered because of their reports, the visionaries of Medjugorje and others suffered from governmental harassment, and in the case of Fr. Jozo, outright torture! Medjugorje has both a traditional and modern ring. Bernadette of Lourdes was directed by the bishop to choose a religious order of sisters to join, as they could not imagine a visionary doing anything else. In contrast, all the 6 visionaries of Medjugorje chose the married state! The Vatican has declared that the spirituality of Medjugorje is sound and the fruit (spiritual Gifts) astonishing! Because of the abundance of events it will take some time to evaluate the supernatural characteristics of their messages and directives. God willing, I will pull another Pilgrimage together next year, and God will call many young adult Catholics to experience a whole new level of spiritual renewal through Mary the Mother of Christ and our mother! 

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Calling All Volunteers in All Ministries!

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