Faith Formation

Build your faith.

People of all ages have a home at St. Francis. Our dynamic groups will help strengthen and build your faith.

The latest faith formation news.

A Loving Parent

A Loving Parent

There’s a core Jewish teaching: Never go to bed angry. It’s also standard advice to married couples. In Psalm 103, God’s posture is that of a loving parent: “slow to anger, and abounding in kindness,” no matter how much we disappoint.

We Welcome Fr. Paul W. Farin

We Welcome Fr. Paul W. Farin

We welcome Father Paul Farin of Cross Catholic Outreach who is speaking this weekend on July 31st and Aug 1st Masses on behalf of the poor in developing countries.

Meet Father Ben

Meet Father Ben

Fr. Ben comes to us all the way from Nigeria! And his name is Latin for Kindness. If you get a chance to say hello to Fr. Ben you will see that he is appropriately named!

What we offer…

Religious Education

Little People’s Liturgy


Youth Ministry

Trinity Reigonal School

Anyone can volunteer. Even you!
