The New Card Party is Off and Running!

Oct 30, 2022 | Community

Here is the new card group meeting schedule. All meetings are in the lower church at St. Francis on Mondays, but times may vary as follows:

Monday, Oct 31 – 7:00pm
Monday, Nov 7 – 7:00pm
Monday, Nov 14 – 7:00pm
Monday, Nov 21 – 7:00pm
Monday, Nov 28 – 11:30am
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Catholic Consideration For Our Earthly Passing

Catholic Consideration For Our Earthly Passing

We prepare for eternal life by choosing to love and follow God now, in our daily lives and decisions. For example, through prayer and regular reception of the sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist, we obtain grace to live in ever-deeper communion with God and with one another in lives of faith, charity, and justice.
