St. Francis Seniors is Back!!!

Jun 6, 2021 | Community

We are pleased to announce that our vibrant group of Senior Citizens will be meeting again regularly the first Monday of each month either outside in the back parking lot or in the Lower Church. Join us this Monday, June 7 at 11:30am!

The St. Francis Senior Club meets on the first Monday of every month at 11:30am in the lower floor of the church. There is an elevator available for access, a welcome accommodation for many. The meetings feature cake, coffee, and great conversation, a chance to connect with friends, gather news of the parish and the community, and to discuss recent events. Mrs. Pat McDonough leads the ministry, staying in touch with members, and checking in particularly in recent times when venturing out has carried its own risks.

“Occasionally we have luncheons, either at the church, or at local restaurants,” said Mrs. McDonough. “We offer day trips and sometimes overnight trips as well. The meetings and trips gather together seniors who enjoy socializing and a chance to talk, sharing and enjoying each other’s company.” Meetings generally open with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance, a review of the prior meeting, and a treasurer’s report, along with announcements of upcoming events at the parish or in the community that are of interest. Prayers are also offered for any members who are ill or recovering.

St. Francis parish makes it possible for seniors all over to join together for friendship, fellowship, and mutual support. Pat McDonough welcomes calls from anyone interested in attending, or who has questions. She can be reached at (631) 261-4206.

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