My Trip to Medjugorje – A Wonderful Experience

Apr 17, 2024 | Community

Erin Gaffney made the trip to Medjugorje last year with Fr. Peter and the group from St. Francis. 

Mine was a wonderful experience at Medjugorje. There are many details of the trip I could mention, but there would be no room to write about them all.

I came to Medjugorje feeling unsure about a lot of things, having made some big changes in my career and life at the time, and I was struggling to find my stride. The changes also made me feel distant from my usual friend group, and I had been praying God would send me a friend I could connect with on a spiritual level.

Upon my arrival in Croatia, I was so grateful to meet up with others as we all boarded the bus to Medjugorje. I told myself, ‘I have to make at least ONE friend here!’ By the end of the trip, I realized God had blessed me with not just one, but a whole group of dear friends.

Throughout the week, my new friends and I were blessed to witness many miracles. Some were large scale such as the weeping Risen Christ statue, yet I also experienced many personal miracles that were equally meaningful to me. All week it felt like God was working tirelessly to put me in the right place at the right time, continuously directing, leading, inspiring and providing for me, so that I was able to find all the answers I needed. By the end of the trip, I was sad to leave – but my soul was at peace.

I would highly recommend this pilgrimage for any Catholic; it is truly an amazing, life-changing experience.

Deadlines for registering and sending your deposit are approaching fast! If you wish to be apart of this amazing and spiritual experience or find out more information about it, please contact Fr Peter Kaczmarek or Sharon Collins at at or by phone 631-757-7435.

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