Father’s Day Novena of Masses 2022

May 29, 2022 | Community

Remember your Father and Grandfather living or deceased, with a loving spiritual gift – remembrance in the

Father’s Day Novena of Masses.
June 18th – June 25th

Return your envelope with intentions and remittance to the Rectory, to the special box in the main lobby, or in the Sunday Collection.

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All Eyes were Smiling! A St. Patrick’s Day Dinner/Dance Recap

All Eyes were Smiling! A St. Patrick’s Day Dinner/Dance Recap

It was a grand evening for everyone, Irish or otherwise! 135 people attended the St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance at St. Francis on March 11, dancing to the music of Irish group Buoy 34, and entertained by the Irish step dancers from the Doherty/Petry School of Irish Dance, and the bagpipe tunes of Nicholas Minguillon. Judges Lisa Love and Liz Cook chose Carol Queally and Leslie Kulawicz the winners of the Soda Bread contest from among 10 entries.
