Booster Club Winners of March 2021

Apr 18, 2021 | Community

Congratulations to our Weekly Winners this month!

Weekly $60 Winners

Laura Cantatore 

Catherine Armstrong

Roseanne Smith

Stephen Waller


Monthly $600 Winner


Anne Buckley


You can still join our Booster Club and support our parish. Return your tickets or purchase at the Rectory. $50 per ticket is in the running all year long! “God loves a cheerful giver!” 

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A Most Important Update!

A Most Important Update!

In May the article “Rebuild My Church” told of plans to refurbish the granite front steps of the church, under the direction of Mr. Paul Sepp. Over the past 50 years, with time and the shifting sand foundation, the stones became misaligned.  As of now, the preliminary...
