St. Vincent de Paul – March 2023

Mar 26, 2023 | Social, St. Vincent de Paul

St Vincent DePaul Society is a Catholic lay organization that leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.

Week of March 26th: Fifth Sunday of Lent

The Gospel today, challenges us to see and believe the signs of grace in our lives: joy, peace, forgiveness, mercy and kindness.This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to assisting families by froviding food, utilities, rent bills and etc. Thank You!

*Checks made payable to Society of St. Vincent DePaul and dropped in the collection baskets will help us serve our neighbors in need throughout the Greenlawn area.

Week of March 19th: Fourth Sunday of Lent

In today’s Gospel, as Jesus gives sight to the blind man. Through grace we are also transformed from not seeing to seeing and then Jesus sends us to help others see and to believe.

Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul brings joy, peace, forgiveness, mercy and kindness to the hurting hearts of the poor.

Week of March 12th: Third Sunday of Lent

In today’s Gospel, Jesus says: “My food is to do the will of the one who sent me and to finish his work.”

Through your almsgiving you are doing the will of the Father and finishing the work of Jesus. Know that your nickel, dime or quarter is multiplied by the coins place by others in the St.Vincent de Paul Poor Box.

Week of March 5th: Second Sunday of Lent

In the Gospel Jesus is transfigured and a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased: Listen to him.”

Do we listen to Jesus when he asks us to take care of our brothers and sisters who are suffering? Your gift in the St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box will help the poor to celebrate the grace of God’s love this Easter.

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