The Michael Grogan Ministry

Nov 14, 2021 | Social

Dear parishioners of St Francis of Assisi,

On behalf of Michael Grogan Ministry, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks for your super abundant and over the top generosity.

During the first two weeks of October, so many parishioners and young people from the religious ed program poured out their love with non-perishable food items, toiletries and bottled water. When the huge truck arrived to the neighborhood where I serve the poorest of the poor in Kensington, Philadelphia I was overwhelmed with gratitude.

My name is Michael Grogan and I am a legally blind lay missionary originally from Long Island. I work with gang members, low-income families, troubled youth and people with heroin addictions. Very often families are in need of food, clothing and toiletries. Also, as part of this ministry’s outreach we often prepare meals and go out right onto the streets to serve the homeless. It is because of your goodness and your love for God that the people in my community
will be extravagantly blessed..

I thank each one of you who have contributed with your prayers, your organizational efforts and your material support. May God continue to reward you 1,000-fold for all of your generosity!

God bless you!

PS.-If you would like to find out a little more about this ministry and sign up for our newsletter please check out our website:

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