The Lenten Diaper Drive was a Great Success!!

Apr 17, 2022 | Religious Education, Social

This year, 7th grade students in our Religious Education program along with Girl Scout Troop 79 decided to hold a Lenten Diaper Drive to assist the mothers and babies that come to St. Francis Baby Corner for help with supplies. Catechist Ann Marie Russo saw that some 7th graders wanted to do something meaningful to earn their service hours. She suggested that the students ask family members and friends to donate needed baby items. We presented the idea to them and they heartily responded to the call! 

Simultaneously, Girl Scout Troop 79 ran their own drive for diapers, wipes, and baby products. Both of these collections brought in an amazing amount of supplies. Eileen Byrne, the head of St. Francis Baby Corner, was thrilled and so grateful to everyone who so generously remembered the struggling families that come to her for help. God bless all of the children and those who donated, who followed Christ’s teaching – “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matt 25:40

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