St. Vincent de Paul – April 2022 Reflections

Apr 24, 2022 | Social, St. Vincent de Paul

St Vincent DePaul Society is a Catholic lay organization that leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.

Week of April 24th 2022: Second Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy Sunday

In the Gospel today, Jesus stands in the midst of us and says: “Peace be with you!” Indeed, the mercy of God centers our heart in peace.

In the month of April, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to help the poor celebrate the peace of Easter, by assisting families by providing food, gifts, and rent bills. Thanky you!

*Checks made payable to Society of St. Vincent DePaul and dropped in the collection baskets will help us serve our neighbors in need throughout the Greenlawn area.

St. Francis of Assisi Conference: (631) 651-2655

Week of April 17th 2022: Easter Sunday

Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter, like Mary Magdalene and the Disciples we find the challenge of also seeing and believing the resurrection. 

As you put your gift into the St. Vincent de Paul box you help those who are poor and hungry to “see and believe” in the Resurrection.

Week of April 10th 2022: Palm Sunday, Passion of the Lord

Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of the holiest of Christian weeks. Let us pray for the grace to take up our own cross and to follow Jesus through death to new life. 

As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who carry their cross of suffering and pain.

Week of April 3rd 2022: Fifth Sunday of Lent

In today’s Gospel, Jesus is the model of compassion and kindness. He shows us how to be merciful and nonjudgmental.

When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace, and mercy into our hearts and into the hearts of those suffering in poverty.

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