Put on the Whole Armor of God

May 30, 2021 | Social

Paul in his letter to the Ephesians (chapter 6 vs 14-17) talks about 6 pieces of spiritual armor that we need to put on daily in order to avoid becoming a casualty of spiritual warfare! Each piece of armor addresses a specific area of our life.

1. The Girdle of Truth – saturating our conscience with God’s word!

2. The Breastplate of Righteousness – becoming in practice who we already are in Christ!

3. The Shoes of The Gospel of Peace – allowing the peace of God to inspire our heart.

4. The Shield of Faith – Faith is the key to deflecting the fiery darts of doubt , distress of mind, depression of spirit and disappointment in yourself and others.

5. The Helmet of Salvation – taking every negative thought captive by taking one (just one) negative thought captive and placing it under obedience to Jesus Christ.

6. The Sword of The Spirit – this is the only offensive weapon included in our armor – “The Sword of The Spirit ,which is the word of God” (Ephes 6:17). The sword refers to a particular part of the Word of God which is called the “rhema” which refers to a spiritual two edged sword traveling at ludicrous speed through time and space with one destination – to pierce the heart.

For more by Barbara Campbell visit: www.staroftheseaministries.com

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