Knights of Columbus Spring Membership Drive

Apr 7, 2024 | Social

The Greenlawn chapter of the Knights of Columbus has a lot happening this spring. Established in 1959, the St. Joseph Council #4810 serves our parish, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church in Centerport, and our local area. The Knights of Columbus provide financial aid and support to those in need, the sick, and the disabled, with aid and relief to help the wider community across the U.S. and beyond.

Our council has earned special “Star Council” status many times, exceeding goals related to new membership, family programs, community outreach, support for Right to Life issues, and Faith based initiatives and projects. Our parish can always count on the Knights to help in any way possible with fundraising and parish activities. Apart from being an integral part of St. Francis church, the Knights donate and lend support to Veterans at the VA hospital with assistance at Mass, to Seminarians in their vocation pursuits, with blood drives, Masses that honor police, firefighters and those in armed service, and numerous food and toy drives year-round. Knights are teaching Religious Ed classes, serve as volunteers at parish initiatives and events, and recently conducted a drive to collect gently used First Communion outfits to help families defray the cost of suits and dresses. 

Their assistance to St. Francis as caretakers and stalwarts of our parish are a true model for us all. To continue these efforts, the Knights ask for and need those interested in joining them in these important and fulfilling service ministries. Grand Knight Peter Dowd and all members are pleased to talk with anyone who is seeking more information. Peter can be reached at, 631 235-8493.

The Knights of Columbus will be hosting Hospitality this Sunday April 14 after the 8:00am and 10:00am Masses. There will be tables. Stop by and say hello! 

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