GodCast – The Time is Now!


The Lord is sounding the alarm for us to bring ourselves back into alignment with His will! He is allowing everything that can be shaken to be shaken and everything that can be loosed to be loosed. It is time to invite the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and give us the courage to look at all those things that are not aligned with the mind of Christ. The eyes of the Lord (Prov. 15:3) are searching everywhere for a people who will run towards the battle and not back down on the day of battle. We can not return after this pandemic to business as usual!! We have been created for such a time as this!! (Esther 4:14. ) The game is on!! Hold nothing back. God is looking for those who recognize what’s happening and ask-”Lord what do you want me to do? “ 

And the most important thing we can do is first of all- not allow our feelings to vote – stand on Psalm 91- and declare God’s love to one another. Do not give in to fear and terror. They make very bad counselors. Proclaim the Lord’s love by your words and actions and thank Him for His Divine Mercy!! 

For more inspiring words from Barbara visit our website at: www.stfrancisgreenlawn.org/godcastpodcast

Listen to more podcasts by our very own Barbara Campbell at: www.staroftheseaministries.com


