Friday Friends – “Friendships are the foundation of love and life.” – Jeffrey Froh, THRIVE

Apr 4, 2021 | Social

Want to shoot hoops and listen to music? Have a catch? Use Legos to build a time portal? Flex your board game skillz? If so, and you’re 5-21 years-old and have special needs, please join us for Friday Friends.

Location: St. Francis of Assisi (lower church)
Dates: April 8th, May 14th, June 11th
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Attention Parents: This is a DROP OFF event. So, eat a meal together, get one sundae with two spoons, or take a stroll and hold hands. Your child will be in good hands.

To register, please email Cara Froh: This is required for us to learn about your child and to pair him/her up with their Buddy.

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