Are You an Active Volunteer in our Parish?

Jun 12, 2022 | Social

(Were you background screened prior to 2017?)

To facilitate this process the Diocese has made the background screening application available on-line. Within the next few weeks, you will receive an email from Virtus advising you to log into your Virtus account.

Please follow the prompts when you log into your Virtus account ( You will be directed to complete the Sterling Solutions background screening application. 

For security reasons-please complete the application in one session and be sure to hit the ‘submit’ button when completed. If you interrupt the process, you will be locked out of the system.

If you have any questions, please contact the Diocesan Office for the Protection of Children/Young People:
516-678-5800. Or e-mail

If you cannot remember your log in information:

Go to and click on “I Need Help”

You can also contact Anita Modelewski in the Rel Ed Office at 631-754-6436.

Thank you for your active participation in our parish community 

and for all you do to help create a safe environment for all!

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