15th Annual Parish Booster Club for 2024 – 2025

Aug 18, 2024 | Social

The New Booster Club is getting ready to start! September 2, 2024 through August 31, 2025. 

Each ticket remains in play for the entire year! 

Tickets are $50 each, and you may purchase as many as you wish. Letters with tickets enclosed have been sent out to all parishioners. Additional tickets can be purchased throughout the year at the Rectory. Tickets may be purchased on behalf of others – they make great gifts! Each month, weekly drawings will be held for $60 each Last week of each month has a drawing for $600! The December drawing will have a monthly prize of $1,200! Winners will be posted in the bulletin. Monthly winners will be announced from the lectern on Sunday. 


First Drawing is Tuesday, September 3rd in the Rectory! 

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