Pastor’s Desk – October 2024

Oct 6, 2024 | Pastors Desk

Pastor’s Desk – October 6th

A Gala and More

I’m still staring into space. The retirement gala was just “off the charts,” nearly 200 people showed up all in high spirits. Yes, it was a retirement party, but so much more as well. It was a celebration of all that has been, and that would be! An expression of joy and confidence about what could come about, the guests filled the hall and there was not an empty chair! 

We had a sense that the Lord Himself filled our hearts with His love for us, even as we tried to come into His presence. Again, thank you for coming. I will cherish fond memories of the occasion, even as I become excited about the new things God has in store for me.

– Fr Peter

Pastor’s Desk – October 13th

Finally, my retirement day arrived October 9, (11:59 AM) 2024. It was in some ways joyful, yet also sad. A few (me too) shed some tears; I guess I’m a bit sentimental after all. So, my priority is not the proverbial “rocking chair” and it’s not even the golf club or tennis racket! The Holy Spirit Himself must be behind it because many have been encouraging me to stay active, “I know you want to be busy.” The Spirit will surely guide me. I’ll be living privately in Huntington Station with folks I’ve known for decades; the Lord arranged for us to work together in prayer ministries for fifty years. Now there are new battles to wage, as we carry out God’s holy will. I have enjoyed being at St. Francis and I truly believe you all were a grace to me. I will be in touch and following up on the young adult websites. Also, the Lord has prepared lots of surprises for us. Let’s always be ready to be believers in good news – the Gospel – of our Lord Jesus Christ.

– Fr. Peter

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This month we presented a two part testimony by Robert McCrindle of his recent trip to Medjugorje with Fr. Peter and a group from St. Francis. Erin Gaffney was on the trip as well, and here is her account of her experience
