Pastor’s Desk – Month of November 2021

Nov 28, 2021 | Pastors Desk

A Message from Father Peter

– November 28th 2021 – A National Day of Thanksgiving

I had occasion to read an original proclamation by President Rutherford B. Hayes from 1880 instituting a National Day of Thanksgiving. He called upon the nation to acknowledge the great blessings it had received in terms of good climate, fertile soil, vast forests, clear waters. and favorable geography! Then he made note of the more recent year’s wonderful freedom from the great wind and rainstorms, earthquakes, plagues, floods and other cruelties of nature!

Finally making no mention of a great “turkey banquet,” he calls on the people to gather in their respective churches on that day to praise and thank God for an abundance of blessings. He certainly had his perspective correct!

Let us never forget to begin with gratitude, with thanksgiving to God our creator and provider. President Hayes took for granted that people will gather around the dinner table but prioritized his hope that we remember to gather first in church! Yes, we are not yet free of the pandemic, but we are making steady and tangible progress against the virus. Even in the midst of all our troubles we can readily identify God’s many blessings in our lives.

 It is so easy today to bypass the distinctively Christian aspect of this wonderful celebration. Just as we “Keep Christ in Christmas” let us keep God in our unique national day of Thanksgiving. Do not allow “Black Friday” to become more important than the great day itself.

A Message from Father Peter

– November 21th 2021 – “THRIVE” Don’t Miss this One!

Jeff Froh who is an active parishioner here and a psychology professor at Hofstra University, has written another book which promises to be a great benefit to many, especially young people. It is entitled “Thrive, 10 Commandments for 20-Somethings to Live the Best-Life-Possible.” It is a very practical, easy and enjoyable book to read. I hope to get copies into the hands of many of our own young adults in and outside of the Starfish Coffee House. On Sunday, December 5th the book will be available, and Jeff will be at the front door of the church to sign copies and offer them to you at a reduced rate!

By now you have received in the mail 2 books of raffle tickets for our Harvest Raffle. We will pull the winning ticket on November 24th in the Rectory, and the winner will be contacted that day. Announcements will be at Thanksgiving Masses. With Covid-19 still around we have few opportunities to socialize. To help us in these stressful times we ask you to support our parish just a bit more, and the odds are good in small church raffles like ours! Please come aboard; purchase tickets and be a strong support in our (Striving to Thrive!) Parish.

An Update: Parishioners are responding very favorably to Peter Schubart, our new Music Director. They enjoy the new voices and selections, and they are telling me his presence is well appreciated here!

– November 14th 2021 – “INSPIRE”

This is a new title given by our Diocese to the bold teen program launched in October. There will be 9 large events, 3 in each vicariate or district, to each of which local teens will be invited. The aim is to get a large enough group of teens to create an atmosphere of excitement and energy. The first part is lively worship (Eucharistic Adoration, witness, personal testimony, and song). Then there is a time for snacks and finally just some plain old fun and games.

I attended the “Inspire” event at St. Joseph’s parish in Babylon on October 22. The goal is to involve young adults in their 20’s and 30’s in the planning and supervision of these events. Much work clearly needs to be done but we have made a good start. The next event is Jan. 21st, 2022 again at St. Joseph’s in Babylon. Our Starfish Coffee House gang will be helping down the line. Teens need the “Energy “of a large group of their peers to create an environment with the best chance for success. Once the ice is broken, they can experience “being Church” in a deeper way.

Please keep this new initiative in your prayers. Once upon a long time ago we had exciting teen ministry here. By God’s grace we can do it again!

– November 7th 2021 – Generational Healing Mass

Many things in human nature that all of us share in are in deep need of our Lord’s healing touch. The upcoming Healing Mass this week focuses our attention on the burdens that we all carry from the memories, hurts and sorrows that have built up in the course of many generations. We do not shift the blame for our own failures, illnesses, and difficulties onto our ancestors. Most of them had far less materially than we do. Yet we pray that the Lord step back in time as it were, to bring healing to the legacy of suffering that we experience.

The prayers that we will all use are the “approved version” of Fr. Al Fredette of the La Salette Fathers (Attleboro, MA). These Prayers are magnificent, uplifting and wonderfully express our forgiveness of family members for the hurts of long ago. If you, for example, find reconciliation difficult, this Mass is a great opportunity for a new beginning in your own heart and then on to family members living and deceased! 

November 9, 2021
7:30pm Prayer and Praise (music by Phil Mandato) 
8:00pm Mass – Fr. Peter | 9:00pm Pray overs 

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