Pastor’s Desk – Month of June 2021

Jun 27, 2021 | Pastors Desk

A Message from Father Peter

– June 27th 2021 – Independence Day

“Independence Day honors not only our own artificial schemes of liberty and equality but the founding principle of natural law that alone protects who we are! Each one of us chosen, loved, and created as free beings by God our Father. No other authority will do; nothing other than divine truth provides proper grounding for “ordered liberty”. On God’s authority, then, the American founders in 1776, “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence,” ventured forth in the great experiment, mutually pledging “to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.” (July Issue, Magnificat pg.54)

Yes, this is truly a special holiday not only for our nation but since other nations have looked to us for inspiration; for them too this is a day of hope and joy. “Ordered liberty “is a phrase that captures the spirit of America as well as any other. May we never lose sight of it!

Most of us plan to enjoy the 4th of July in one or another convivial way; but we most certainly must do more! We must honor our country and its unique foundation and development in the course of history and its role in the family of nations. May God then bless America as we celebrate our Independence Day; may we always remain grateful for our freedoms and civil liberties and even more grateful for our freedom from sin and death that only Christ can give. May we follow His law of love which alone can bring true peace to all the peoples of our time.

– June 20th 2021 – Deacon Allan’s Retirement

(Happy Fathers Day)

Last week our Religious Education teachers and volunteers celebrated Deacon Allan’s retirement from the Office of Director of Religious Education at St. Francis. It was a bittersweet moment because while we have many fond memories of Deacon Allan’s service in our parish, we realize his tenure has now come to an end! Deacon Allan always had the energy and willingness to face a problem or issue and came up with a solution.

He knew how to get the work done while not neglecting the human element, an upset child, or confused parents. Deacon Allan remains an active deacon here at St. Francis and plans to continue to serve in the parish as deacon, (preaching, baptisms etc.).

Please extend your best wishes and assurance of prayers for him and his wife Lorraine as they enter a new phase in this life together.

– June 13th 2021 – Ministries Return

Slowly but surely our various parish ministries are coming back to life. Lectors and Eucharistic ministers are now visible! We maintain the fond hope that others will soon open up. Look for altar servers, Road Angels etc.. St Vincent de Paul has continued to meet all through the pandemic! Presently we are recruiting next year’s teaching staff for religious ed. Our people want to get back to “Full Service”. Let us pray that their hopes become realities both on the giving and receiving end!

Father’s Day

Don’t forget your Dads and Granddads on this important Father’s Day. Remember them by enrolling them in our Father’s Day Novena of Masses! All Masses said here at St Francis Parish during the week of Father’s Day will be for the intentions of the Fathers included in the Novena. Thank you, as ever, for your generous response to our Novena! It renews our deep faith in the workings of God in family life and the vital role fathers have in raising their families! Return the envelopes you have received in the mail to the rectory or the box set in the vestibule of church. Again, thank you!

– June 6th 2021 – Healing Mass

The need for healing is so great that from time to time we must make it the central focus of our Eucharistic celebration. Every Mass has prayers for healing contained in it, but with a specially dedicated Mass, we can highlight the healing ministry of Jesus in a more dramatic way.

Several additional prayers and more personal involvement lead to more expectant faith! We have “witnessing” to what God has already done to grow in faith for what God will do. The dramatic gesture of the “laying on of hands” is included to connect us to Christ’s ministry during his earthly life as well as today. Many will “rest in the spirit” after pray-overs!

This can better dispose them to receive their healing. Don’t miss out! If you or a loved one is in need of a healing in any way; come to our healing Mass!

June 8,2021
7:30pm Prayers and Praise – Mass Begins 8:00pm.

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