Pastor’s Desk – Month of December 2021

Dec 26, 2021 | Pastors Desk

A Message from Father Peter

– December 26th 2021 – You are “Family”, and we are so glad to see you!

If you are reading this, believe it or not, you are “family”! We are so glad to see you! The odds are you are a Catholic Christian and member of the body of Christ by virtue of the grace of baptism. The same Holy Spirit that dwells in you dwells in us also! You are in very good company indeed!

Christmas is the “family feast” par excellence – there’s no place like home for the holidays. There’s no highpoint for the great day more awesome than Christmas Mass whether on Christmas eve, Midnight Mass, or during Christmas Day. The music this year holds the promise of being better than ever, and many of us will taste a little bit of heavenly peace.

Our troubles may not be over just yet, but the light of Christ illuminates the darkness and restores us to hope and joy. Again, it is so good to see you all! I thank God for you, and will remember you all in my Masses.

– December 19th 2021 – For a brief time, our St. Francis of Assisi was the center of the music world!

On December 4th, the Huntington Men’s Chorus held their annual Christmas concert at our church. Over 250 people turned out to hear the great performances and festive music. Due to Covid restrictions, school districts can no longer lend their facilities to outside groups. The Chorus needed a place to practice and perform, and the lower church and St. Francis fit the bill. For a modest fee, they rehearse on Wednesday evenings downstairs and perform in the church for their concerts. This is a real example of community spirit!

Last weekend, we were all treated to an Advent – Christmas concert under the direction of Peter Schubart, our new music director, complete with chorale and readings. What a way to welcome the coming of our Savior, with beautiful voices and familiar hymns. Peter just became our music director. He comes to us with over 30 years of experience at the parish level with adult and children’s choirs. We hope he will be with us for a long time to come. The adult choir is coming together nicely; school age children are still needed for the young choir. Both groups will be better and stronger next year!

So, St. Francis really was at the center of the world – even if the world was our own little community.

– December 12th 2021 – “A knight in shining armor!”

We still use the phrase “A knight in shining armor”; when we do, often we are praising a person whose arrival, presence, or courage and genius has “saved the day.”

We can now apply this glowing report to our very own Knights. I mean, of course, our local council of the Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph 4810. Our harvest raffle results were mediocre at best this year, and we had no choice but to call upon the Knights to help us sell a better amount at the door of the church over the weekend. The Knights responded in number and with enthusiasm. They cut an impressive figure! They were just assertive enough, not overbearing or irritating as they courteously asked parishioners to “take a chance.” Their presence, demeanor, and professionalism were on display! After all, the Knights hold a number of raffles themselves!

The Knights have stepped up on many occasions to help us here at St. Francis. Our Religious Ed program is helped by many Knights who have joined our teaching staff.

When the need is there so is the Knight in Shining Armor! Hats off to the Knights of Columbus! By the way, the Knights are a great group of men of all ages – every Catholic man should at least prayerfully consider becoming a member!

Greenlawn Knights of Columbus 24 Boulevard Ave. Greenlawn NY 11740 631 754-9488

– December 5th 2021 – The little parish that could!

Where do you think that you would find The National Headquarters of the Annual National Night of Prayer for Life? In the Bishop’s Office? At the Cathedral Parish Rectory? At the Diocesan Respect Life Office? At the Chancery?

None of the above! It’s right here on the desk of Mike Lobasso, ably assisted by Ellen, his wife! This year Mike is organizing the 32nd Annual Night of Prayer for Life! Mike with his quiet demeanor and persevering habits is one of the true heroes of our community. He has witnessed “in season and out of season” to the sacredness of all human life from conception to natural death. Please keep them and our entire Respect Life Committee in your prayers.


On the weekend of Dec 5, 2021, Jeff Froh will be at the doors of St. Francis to offer you half price on copies of his new book: THRIVE: THE 10 COMMANDMENTS FOR 20- SOMETHINGS! Jeff is a professor of positive psychology at Hofstra University. He has also written a book on raising grateful children. Get your copy and give a unique gift to a “20 something” son, daughter, grandchild, niece, nephew, or any young adult in your life.

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