Pastor’s Desk – Month of April 2022

Apr 24, 2022 | Pastors Desk

A Message from Father Peter

– April 24th 2022 – Divine Mercy Sunday

Out back in our former garage radio music was playing. It was time for a lunch break, and the carpentry crew took a moment to “unwind”! After so many months of submitting requests to the town and county, poring over blueprints, putting up with attitudes of “Hurry up…and wait!”, it is all coming together. Permits have been issued and physical work has commenced! Special divine providence has been bestowed to be able to pull this off, even in the face of the Diocesan fiscal constraints and the pandemic!

We now see our dream project taking place, the repurposing of our underutilized but amply sized three car garage into a Center with Living Waters Therapeutic Catholic Counseling Center as its first tenant. We will continue to provide updates as we work towards the completion. Check the church vestibule in the next few weeks for an artist’s rendering of the building. Sincere thank you to all who have contributed to this parish undertaking.

– April 17th 2022 – Easter Sunday

On Easter as Pastor, I have two principal tasks – To extend my assurance of personal prayers and best wishes to you and your loved ones on today’s most joyful of days. And too, to thank all who made a sacrificial Easter offering to their church. For the rest of my Easter message, the words of Pope Francis are most fitting:

“Jesus is risen from the dead! This message resounds in the church the world over, along with the singing of the Alleluia. He remained two days in the tomb; but his death contained God’s love in all its power, released and made manifest on the third day, the day we celebrate today: the Easter of Christ the Lord. The words heard by the women at the tomb are also addressed to us: Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here but has risen. Death, solitude, fear is not the last word. There is a word that transcends them, a word that only God can speak: it is the word of the resurrection” (Pope Francis). Christ has made good on all he promised. He is truly risen.

Our Bishop John Barres also extends his greetings, and asks that this Easter, as we rejoice in Christ’s Resurrection, let us remember especially those who suffer in Ukraine and the millions who have been displaced by that tragic war. Together, we pray that the Risen Christ bring light to their darkness and give them peace.

– April 10th 2022 – The Passion of the Lord: Palm Sunday

The focus of the Lenten Mass readings now begins to shift. Gradually we move from general reminders to repent and to express our sorrow through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving at a whole new level. Now we are in Passion time – we meditate on the raw facts of Jesus’ suffering and death. Our first task is to make certain that we are affirming that Jesus truly died and was buried. This is not just a theme or legend but honest hard fact verifiable by anyone, believer or not! Once we are clear in our minds that Jesus underwent a true human death by crucifixion, we can move to reflect on how Jesus paid the price of our redemption!

“Were you there when they crucified my Lord?” as the old spiritual hymn challenges us. If we followed our readings – Sundays and weekday Mass readings, whether we could attend physically or not, we were truly there! Let’s put ourselves in the crowd gathered for the climactic last days of Jesus’ life and grow in a personal appreciation of the very real suffering embraced by our Lord. Let us think with the Church, and not only think but feel and sense with her the agony of Good Friday; then we are in place to experience Easter – His risen glory and the promise of the joys of heaven!

– April 3rd 2022 – Catholic Ministries Appeal

We really have “a little gem” of a parish! I’m referring to the little-known fact that a vanguard of parishioners has already made their pledges for the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA), and some have begun payments even before Pat Brennan’s Kick-off” speech this weekend. Pat took a much-needed respite from the chairperson’s role, but now he returns to take up this worthwhile cause with new vigor!

There is nothing quite like the now famous Catholic Ministries Appeal, formerly known as the Bishop’s Appeal! The Diocese changed the name some years back to better reflect parish priorities. Across the board the appeal covers all significant areas of our Catholic ministries, our service to all God’s people. Catholic charities, vocations, education, Liturgy, etc. When you agree to assist the Diocese, you also indirectly assist our own parish. Acting alone, no parish could provide this range of services. In short, I know you will give Pat a great reception. Listen carefully to the jokes; Pat has a low-key style and a droll sense of humor.

I wish to thank all who have made a pledge for your thoughtful commitment to the parish and the wider church! Remember, once we achieve our goal the rebates begin to come in! I look forward to thanking our parishioners several times more, as once again they demonstrate their love for and loyalty to all God’s people.

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