Pastor’s Desk – June 2024

May 31, 2024 | Pastors Desk

The Pastors Desk – June 30th

Having been extended by Bishop Barres four times beyond the formal end of my appointment to St. Francis parish, I was given notice that he would not give me a fifth renewal. Instead, he requested my resignation as Pastor, and said “After all, you are almost 80.” 

I am grateful to him for the additional four years at St. Francis. My time with you as Pastor has been one of joy and fulfillment. God blessed our work together in countless ways. I will reflect on some of these in the coming weeks. The official date for the end of my pastorate is October 9, 2024. It is my hope to be active in ministry beyond that date, and to be able to visit with you in a timely way. I ask for your prayers that with God‘s help, we will make sound gospel-based decisions on what types of ministries and into what parishes and localities I should look. I will pray for you;

“May the Lord let his face shine upon you, and give you his peace.”

The Pastors Desk – June 23th 


It is with much sadness that I make this announcement to you. I will be retiring as of this October 2024. St. Francis has been a wonderful assignment and I have been serving you as a pastor for 14 joyful, faith-filled years, I was sent to St. Francis as a pastor in 2009 having served here previously as an associate pastor under Fr Patrick Armshaw for five years, and for Father Joseph Keyes for two years. 

After serving as pastor of St. Gertrude’s for 17 years, I arrived at St. Francis for the second time, now as Pastor and there were many warm greetings and many new faces. I am looking forward to sharing many fond memories from both of my stays at St. Francis in the coming weeks. 

I will not be a stranger to St Francis Parish, and it will forever be near to my heart. Father Edward Sheridan will remain as pastor of Saint Anthony’s in East Northport and will also assume the role of Pastor here at St Francis. The two parishes will remain distinct keeping their own books and bank accounts – more details will follow. 

In the meantime, please say a prayer or two for me. Father Edward Sheridan is eager and ready to get to know all of you as your spiritual father. I’ve assured him of your support and prayers.

– Fr. Peter– Peter

The Pastors Desk – June 16th 

Q: What makes Father’s Day different from Mother’s Day?

A: Actually, they are very similar, but on Father’s Day, there’s no breakfast in bed! There may be fewer displays of heartfelt emotion but for the most part, we are eager to let people know that we are deeply grateful to our fathers. Most of us can remember a number of times as we grew up how Dad was there to save the day! 

Mom usually holds the first spot in our hearts, but Dad is secure in his place in our minds and memories. It may have been Mom’s task to nurse us back to health, after a bout with a severe cold or flu, but Dad was there too, to set limits for us. 

We treasured Dad’s wit and wisdom. He guided us with support, advice, and examples, he taught us. You may still take part in the Father’s Day Novena by filling out the card and envelope with the appropriate names and offerings. All fathers, as always, will be in our prayers.

The Pastors Desk – June 9th 

Our Patron St Francis delighted in being hospitable and welcoming to all. Here in our wonderful parish, we have two back-to-back events which root us in that noble tradition. We first celebrate with the Sisters of Saint Benedict two Jubilees (Anniversaries) of Solemn Profession. 

One is for 25 years, the other is a 50th Anniversary. As we honor these two women dedicated to God, we become aware of the opportunities we all have to give even more of ourselves to help and support others. The Sisters run Saint Joseph’s Guest House and minister to our elderly; a number of Ukrainian young women have recently joined them at the House. 

We will also host the Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima on June 15 from 3 PM to 9 PM in the church. Do not miss this warm-hearted time of Adoration and Thanksgiving being held right here in our church! There will be a Crowning, Veneration, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, along with a Procession with the traditional display of waving White Handkerchiefs. You have got to be there to see it!

The Pastors Desk – June 2nd (Corpus Christi – The Holy Body and Blood of Christ!

This feast is dear to the hearts of millions of Catholics, but this should not hide the painful fact that many others have very little understanding or attachment to this great sacrament of sacraments! A large percentage believe that Jesus is only symbolically present. No wonder so many are so indifferent to Mass attendance. In spite of all of our catechesis, we have not won the hearts of a vast number of “our people.” Doubting the Eucharist is not a strikingly modern phenomenon but was common enough even in medieval times – the so-called age of faith – for example, the case of Berengarus of Tours. Several Eucharistic miracles occurred simultaneously (Liege Belgium, Orvieto Italy) and provided a new enthusiasm for Jesus’ presence. 

These were true, universally celebrated events for years and years. Saint Thomas Aquinas himself is credited with composing the Mass and Office of the new great liturgical feast. Today, we find in our parishes eager believers who want to put Christ back in Corpus Christi, and while they are putting Him back into Christmas! Taking part in our Corpus Christi procession is a beautiful first step in beginning the great work of restoring this specific Catholic feast to its rightful place in our liturgical calendar.

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