Pastor’s Desk – July 2023

Jul 6, 2023 | Pastors Desk

A Message from Father Peter

– July 30th Parish Summer Picnic

Come to the Summer Family Picnic! Everyone is most cordially invited, and we are convinced you will be glad you came! Believe it or not our committee is already hard at work! Please don’t miss out and plan something else for our special parish day. We don’t want people to feel obligated or pressured but rather anticipation and participation! We’ve built on tradition but are not afraid of trying something new. 

Cost per ticket is $10.00 for teens and adults; 

Children under 12 is $3.00Children 3.00

Date will be Sept. 17,2023, from 1:00pm – 4:00pmDate 00pm

There will be food, beverages, music, games, activities, and… A Dunk Tank! In short Please accept our invitation. Hope to see you there!

In Christ our Bond of Love,
Fr. Peter

A Message from Father Peter 

– July 23rd Eucharistic Revival Update!

We are stepping out of the boat and walking on water with Jesus! Well, at least with the encouragement of our committee for Eucharistic Revival, chaired by Mike and Ellen Lobasso. The parish has taken the plunge and booked a motor coach (charter bus with restrooms) for our Pilgrimage to Auriesville on Oct 20-21. We can do this and not saddle the parish with another bill! We can all ask God in the quiet of our rooms, “Lord, do you want me to go?” 

We are confident that we can get 50 people to sign up and that we will also receive some substantial contributions to the parish for the bus so that some people of ordinary means may be able to make the trip! All the growing excitement points to the simple fact that Pilgrimage is not only an excursion but a sign from God – inviting our people to go, taking the next step and signing up! 

Lord, we ask that you open a pathway for more to come! May our enthusiasm for the Eucharistic Revival re-bound to our growth in faith and for yourself – Love for our Eucharistic 

A Message from Father Peter 

– July 16th A letter from Bishop O Barnes

Dear Friends,

Our Church is in the midst of a National Eucharistic Revival to restore an understanding of and fidelity to the great mystery of Jesus really and truly present in the Most Holy Eucharist. Every time the Church celebrates the Eucharist, she is impelled toward mission: “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” One way that the mission of Christ and his Church is accomplished in the world today is through the important works of the Catholic Ministries Appeal. Gifts to the Catholic Ministries Appeal assist thousands of individuals on Long Island each year. In helping young mothers receive the assistance they need through Catholic Charities, in aiding local families in receiving food, clothing, and support through parish outreach programs, in accompanying veterans, disabled, and elderly in receiving care and housing, and in supporting seminarians through their discernment and formation, your gift to the Catholic Ministries Appeal helps to spread the light of Christ further than you can imagine.

Fr. Christopher Heller, who was ordained a priest last June, noted:“Every single day of my time in the seminary for five years, the Catholic Ministries Appeal had a part of my life; because without the generosity of people supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal, I would not have been in the seminary. So, I can say that the fact that I finally was ordained is all due to the work of the Catholic Ministries Appeal. I think that supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal is important because it is saying that you are on the side of the renewal that Christ is working in the Church on Long Island.” Your gifts to the Catholic Ministries Appeal are integral to the mission of the Church on Long Island. If you have not done so already, I ask you to consider making a gift to the 2023 Catholic Ministries Appeal. For convenience’s sake, your contribution to the Catholic Ministries Appeal can now be made monthly over the course of the year. Please inquire with the Appeal Office if this is an option that you would prefer to take advantage of. If you have already contributed to the 2023 Catholic Ministries Appeal, please know how truly grateful I am. It is only through your generous support, that we are able to serve the entire People of God in the Diocese of Rockville Centre.

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Reverend John O. Barres Bishop of Rockville Centre

A Message from Father Peter

– July 9th Spreading the Good News of the Gospel

The Eucharistic revival is pushing all of us onto the internet (and away from other, older ways of connecting to each other). I was part of a webinar last night and can now more easily see how social media can be used wisely and effectively to connect people, and so help those interested in revival to spread the Good News of the Gospel. I will be meeting this week with Michael and Ellen Lobasso (our point persons) for renewal and get started! Please keep all revival efforts in your prayers! 

This great work depends on these initial baby steps we take on the road to robust church life. In the meantime, our Deacons, Anita Modelewski (Rel Ed), Kelly McGuiness of Starfish Coffee House and some others attended a tutorial on the internet program called “Formed”. This is an enormous online library of everything Catholic- Movies, Workshops, an amazing resource produced by the Augustine Institute, including conferences, teachings, etc. I have enrolled the whole parish under a subscription, so there is no personal expense to parishioners. If you want to become more familiar with this and join, please contact the rectory about signing up. 

A Message from Father Peter

– July 2nd Graduation

It’s that time of the year! They’ve even put up a few lawn signs around town for graduating seniors! We all graduate several times in our lives. The events with the most impact on the young people are linked to high school. It can overpower a young mind when the realization comes home; “I can’t come back here in September! It’s over; in fact I may never see some of these people physically ever again,” that is, teachers and classmates.

Death should be our final “graduation” from this brief very mortal life in this world to the eternal joys of heaven, and our fulfillment in God. We congratulate our graduates! May we each one day “graduate” to God and thank Him for his immense love for us. Just as teens and youth can get quite excited by what they hope will come to them in this world, so may we cultivate in our souls the hope for and of heaven and joy in God’s presence.

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