Pastor’s Desk – January 2024

Jan 3, 2024 | Pastors Desk

A Message from Father Peter

– January 28th

The Holy Spirit just happens to be one amazing schedule maker and keeper! Just now during our year of Eucharistic Revival and by our bishops we are privileged to discover Blessed Carlo Acutis, who had a very special devotion to the Holy Eucharist. 

He put together a special exhibit of the Eucharistic Miracles that have occurred in various parts of the world. We are able to have a display based on Carlo’s work as a teenager which can draw young people to the Eucharist. 

Check our dates and times in the special flyer in our bulletin. My favorite miracle is to be found in the quiet hidden hill town of Orvieto. I visited there when I was a student in Rome and then returned later on a Pilgrimage. Do not miss out on this exhibit! Mark your Calendars for next weekend!

A Message from Father Peter

– January 21st

Through the generosity of her parents, I was able to participate in the beautiful marriage celebration of Rosie Nelan, an endearing member of our Starfish Coffee House young adult ministry. 

The Mass took place in the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola of the Diocese of Palm Beach, Florida. Even with our need to spend only a minimum of time there, Rosie’s immense joy in God ‘s blessings along with that of her husband TJ Sherman was overwhelming. Every marriage has its challenges, and struggles, its victories, steps backward and obstacles along with triumphs. 

Yet by God ‘s grace, we are gifted with the tools of spiritual battle and divine grace to delight in life‘s joys as we prepare for the next challenge. This happy couple united in marriage can now face them together. The scripture quote on their website is simple and an inspiration – John 15:12, “My command is this; Love one another as I have loved you.”

A Message from Father Peter

– January 14th

It’s over! We are all of us breathing a sigh of relief, Christmas is over! The blessings of family, guests, gifts, meals, parties, etc. are again behind us. In the relative quiet of January, we can with Mary the mother of Jesus “ponder” these things in our hearts. 

She grew in understanding even as the child grew and matured; we can say what our expectations were for these special days. 

Did we achieve at least some of them? Are there a “few loose ends” we can still get to? Are there a few people we didn’t see? Could they benefit from a visit or at least a phone call? 

For us as Catholics, Christmas runs until the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. As we say, God has plenty of time; it isn’t over till it’s over! Time to get those loose ends tied up!

A Message from Father Peter

– January 7th

“May old acquaintance be forgot, and never called to mind”!

So goes the old song, but do they get it right? How about “May old acquaintance be recalled, and memories enjoyed! As the “Holidays” wind down we really do get some time to “recall “ – recollect about the course of our lives, our joys and our disappointments, our successes and our failures. Almost certainly God sees them differently. The poet puts it well, the gift God gives us is to see ourselves as others see us. Include God in that group of others. You may be surprised! 

Now for those New Year’s resolutions. Keep them simple, doable, and God centered, and you won’t go wrong there. Happy New Year, start with the 12 days of Christmas. Let God celebrate you. He’s got all the time in the world! He’s that unique friend who knows your foibles and weaknesses and still keeps coming back to you to have another honest laugh.

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