Pastor’s Desk – February 2023

Feb 26, 2023 | Pastors Desk

A Message from Father Peter

– February 26th: First Sunday of Lent

Lent certainly gets everybody’s attention when it arrives with ashes and crowds and specific outward display! It seems as if we are telling the world, “We’re going too fast! Pray! You’ve got to know about it!”

The very opposite of what Jesus said; “When you fast, go to your room, close the door and pray to your father in secret”! Actually, we need both. By bearing the sign of the Ashes we witness to public beginners and private seriousness – the Perfect way gets us started!

Ash Wednesday is gone for another year – now is the time to be on our knees in our room and nobody knows what we are doing! What we need is the inner peace and quiet spirit enabling us to listen to the whispering of the voice of God, as he did with Elijah. Don’t get overwhelmed. Make a few simple changes, and be humble enough to acknowledge that even simple promises are hard to keep.

God sees the workings of our hearts. And minds. He knows our feebleness and encourages us none the less. Have a Blessed Lent – May yours be filled with Joys and surprises from God.

A Message from Father Peter

– February 19th: Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ash Wednesday is already upon us! Most of us – in spite of some unseasonably warm weather – are not ready for it! We are not nearly ready to shift out of Christmas gear and into the great journey that takes us to Easter and Pentecost. “Now is the acceptable time; now is the day of salvation!” So, the church has its own internal compass and timer! In this case the issue is not whether I’m ready for the “Big Three of Lent” – Prayer, fasting, and alms giving! Instead, we say with God’s people, “Here we are Lord! Are you, Lord, ready for us-coming just as we are, a bit beat up and sweaty to make our Lenten journey of Faith!  We may move from the darkness of sin and evil to the time of peace and healing love of the Lord!

Times for the distribution of Ashes are given below:

Wed Feb 22 – Ash Wednesday
7:00am Ashes
8:30am Mass and Ashes
12:00pm Ashes
4:30pm Ashes
7:30pm Mass and Ashes

A Message from Father Peter

– February 12th: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We are putting together our Young Adult Pilgrimage to Medjugorje for July, 2023. The focus is on young adults, but pilgrims of all ages are welcome. Last year we were divided equally between young adults, families, and seniors. Everybody blended in quite well. The Pilgrimage movement is alive and well here in the USA as it is in Europe and elsewhere. Asia and Africa have good representation as well. Call me (Fr. Peter) at the Rectory for more details, prices and discernment about going.

A Pilgrimage, although exciting, is not a vacation. Young Adults not only make new friends but absorb much about their Catholic faith in new and surprising ways. A believer – and also the seeker – is called by God to make the pilgrimage. We are moved by grace (God’s Presence), we feel an invitation, a call, even a compulsion to go. God will provide the means if the call is genuine. Frequently young adults are sponsored by friends; family helps out and they put in some of their own resources. Medjugorje can be a life-changing experience. Just ask a person who has gone there! We will host some informational meetings and provide the opportunity to know more! Don’t worry, if God is knocking at the door of your heart, He will create the space, and time and financial capacity. Call me at the rectory if you are a young adult; I will put you in touch with some of our own Group who have gone and hope to go again!

There is something – Someone – in Medjugorje for everyone, namely the “Gospa”, Our Blessed Lady, Mother of Our Savior. Sincerely, Our Lady of Medjugorje.

– February 5th: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Trinity Regional School

It’s so nice to see the kids in church on Sunday! I’m referring in this instance to the students from our Parish of St. Francis helping our Parish representative Adam Wessinger report to you about our regional school and its successes and activities. Since the local pastors make up the governing board of the school on the fiscal level, I am present there often; also, we hear confession and celebrate Masses. I can tell you from direct experience that right from entering the building, you sense that the students are happy and proud of their school. They like being there and most are responding to the efforts of administrators and teachers.

Our principal Pat Ayers is clearly enthusiastic about her work and is on top of the latest advances in teaching methods and technology. Trinity rates very high among Catholic schools on Long Island. If you have a grandchild, child or niece/nephew, consider Trinity Regional! Also, don’t forget thatwe are a Catholic School. So, we can pray together and celebrate Catholic Holy Days and events. So don’t worry – your youngster will know his/her prayers after a year or two! Trinity is a gift to our Parish!  Don’t let it go by without checking it out!

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