Medjugorje Pilgrimage 2021 (Part 1)

Sep 5, 2021 | Ministries

Our pilgrimage to Medjugorje was a life changing experience for me. Seeing so many people of faith in one place, including the youth from all over the world was awe inspiring. To be in the midst of thousands of reverent Catholics made me realize how blessed I am to have been raised within this faith. The unity, camaraderie, and feeling of peace flowed among all who were in Medjugorje. I can still see the peaceful smiling face of Vinco, one of our waiters. He exuded such an aura of joy. Now he was touched by God! 

I was also so grateful for all of the lovely people I was fortunate enough to meet within our tour group. I’m sure we will keep in touch, as we were all blessed together with this opportunity to strengthen our relationship with Jesus and The Virgin Mary. May we all keep a piece of this holy place within our hearts and pass it along to others wherever we go. 

Alleluia and Amen! 

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