Little Peoples Liturgy

May 16, 2021 | Ministries

Our youngest parishioners are especially welcome to join us
each Sunday at the 10:00 Mass for Little People’s Liturgy.

As Mass begins, children are seated with their parents as the priest and deacon process into the church. Ater the opening prayer, the priest calls up the bible presenter and the rest of the children meet their teachers at the side of the altar. The priest gives the children and teachers a blessing, and then all the little ones head down to the lower church for prayers, songs, lessons, crafts all based on the Gospel for the week. The group then rejoins their family at the presentation of the gifts.

This is a wonderful way to teach God’s Word in a developmentally appropriate and meaningful way to all of our youngsters up until they receive First Holy Communion. The group is led by professional teachers and parents with a deep desire to help our little ones get to know and love Jesus. All are welcome. For more information, contact the rectory or Adam Wessinger at

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