Healing Mass with Fr Kline

Aug 15, 2021 | Ministries

Tuesday, August 24th at 7:30pm

Fr. Kline will offer a Healing Mass for those present and for those unable to be present who submit their written intentions to the rectory prior to August 24. The intentions will be gathered in a basket and placed at the foot of the altar prior to Mass.

All are invited to attend.


Teachers Needed!


The St. Francis Religious Education program, through God’s grace and protection, will be welcoming back students on-site in September.

All grade levels. Classes are 1 hr per week.

In the lower church

Mondays – Thursdays.

Do you have a desire to bring God’s teachings to young students? Then think about being a catechist! You don’t have to be a scholar – the Holy Spirit will guide your heart! We will provide you with a curriculum, book, and all the love and support we can give.

If you hear the calling to bring God’s message to children, contact the Religious Ed office. We can talk about the program and any questions you may have. Pray for guidance. Our children really need you.

Thank you and

God bless,

St. Francis Office of Religious Education


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