Coffee House Teen Study

Jul 4, 2021 | Ministries

Are you one of those teens who made your confirmation at St. Francis but are now asking spiritual questions? Are you looking for a deeper understanding of the bible and the teachings of our church on faith and morality? If you answer yes, here is something that will excite you.

Young Adults from our coffee house ministry are hosting a group study on Thursday evening 7pm – 8pm in the Coffee House.

Here is the email:

Let us know if you plan to come! We are ready to share our enthusiasm for God and the church with you. We think that you will connect with us right from the start.

The Dates are (all Thursdays):
July 8th, 12th
Aug 5th, 19th
Sept 2nd, 16th
…More planned later!

Get in touch with us; find out more and plan to be with us.
(All sessions in Starfish Coffee House. Backdoor to Rectory basement).

Yours in Christ our Strength!
The Coffee House Team

St Jose’s Cristeros Ministry’s Mission Statement
The St. Jose’s Cristeros Ministry provides a comfortable space for teenagers to gain practical knowledge of their Faith to implement in their everyday life. We also help prepare the future generation of the Church to live out and protect the Faith. We strive to be a bridge between youth and young adulthood by building upon the knowledge gained from religious education studies.

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