Christmas Mass Schedule

Dec 19, 2021 | Ministries

Our Christmas Masses Will Be Celebrated as Follows:

Friday, December 24th – Christmas Eve

4:00pm Mass celebrated in the Church
6:00pm Mass in the Church
10:00pm Mass in the Church Saturday

December 25th – Christmas Day

8:00am Mass in the Church
10:00am Mass in the Church
12:00 noon Mass in the Church Sunday

December 26th – The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

8:00am Mass in the Church
10:00am Mass in the Church
12:00 noon Mass in the Church

Wishing you and all your loved ones God’s peace and joy this Christmas and health throughout the New Year.

Rev. Peter Kaczmarek, Rev. Francois Eale
Deacon Allan, Deacon Jean, Deacon Jim
And the Staff at St. Francis of Assisi

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