Annual Feast Day Bake Sale and PB & J Gang

Sep 11, 2022 | Ministries


Volunteer Bakers needed;
Please call our coordinator Lorraine Longo at 631-271-3566 

All proceeds go to Fr. Peter for Parish expenses. 

Peanut Butter & Jelly Gang!! 

Last time we made 430 Sandwiches!
Lets Try to Make a New Record!

Join us via Zoom NEXT SUNDAY, 

September 18th from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. 

From your kitchen table to ours. 

Must wear masks and gloves!! You will need bread, creamy peanut butter, jelly, sandwich bags and a box to collect them in. And it’s a great way to earn some community service hours! 

Zoom Meeting ID: 863.6117.4110
Passcode: 029765
Leslie Kulewicz – 

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