A Knights of Columbus Invitation to Membership

Nov 6, 2022 | Ministries

Our Greenlawn based chapter has recently achieved “Star Council” status 3 years in a row thanks to our strong membership and support/sponsorship from our two parishes, St. Francis of Assisi and Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. 

We are looking for interested Catholic men 18 and over to give whatever time you can to join in our charitable activities. These encompass our four categories of focus, which include Faith, Family, Life and Community. Here are some recent examples:

  • Our annual August Blood Drive at our council location. Many of our St. Francis parishioners are contributors.
  • Our members support St. Francis parish ministries as lectors, Eucharistic ministers, religious ed teachers, and ministry support to the Northport VA Medical Center.
  • We lend support to local Right to Life programs, including fundraising activities, and our own international Knights program Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP). Our donation of the “Victims of Abortion” monument has been at our church front entrance for many years.

All of these activities, and many more, need the continued participation of our Knights Brotherhood, along with the support of their families and all St. Francis parishioners.

Please consider joining our council!
We will be at St. Francis all the weekend
Masses of November 5th-6th.

Please contact Peter Dowd (631) 235-8493 or any Knights parish member, or call (631) 754-9488,  
or email grandknightSJ4810@gmail.com

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