PALM TO ASHES (Ash Wednesday Schedule)

Feb 4, 2024 | Mass

February 14, 2024 Schedule: 

7:00am – Distribution of Ashes
8:30am – Mass, Distribution of Ashes
12:00noon – Distribution of Ashes
4:30pm – Distribution of Ashes 

7:30pm – Mass, Distribution of Ashes 

Save the Date:
Lenten Retreat: Sunday, Feb 25 – Tuesday, Feb 27

Presented by Michael Grogan, Michael Grogan Ministries 

Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2024 

Ashes we receive on Ash Wednesday are made from the Palm we were given on Palm Sunday, 2023. We ask all St. Francis parishioners to please drop old, dried Palm in the box provided in the main lobby as you enter our church over the next few weekends. 

Thank you, Peace, & Blessings,
Fr. Peter 


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