Yet More Progress!

Apr 17, 2022 | Community

As you can see, there has been great progress on the renovation of the parish garage that began this month. The building will have two stories, and will serve as a parish center for groups and meetings. There will also be ample room to house Living Waters Therapeutic Catholic Counseling Center as a tenant, which will generate revenue for the parish. The work is due for completion sometime in June, weather and unforeseen circumstances permitting, with a dedication planned for the space, along with acknowledgement of all donors.

Plenty of time, talent, and treasure have been expended on the project, with all permits and approvals in place. Donations continue to come in, and can be made either by dropping by the rectory, placing in the collection basket, or visiting the parish website and clicking the “Donate” link. All contributions are gratefully accepted, and will be acknowledged once the work is finished.

Please check the church vestibule in the coming weeks for an artist’s rendering on display, so everyone can see how the building will look when completed.

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