Thank You! A Letter from Fr Jacob of Precious School

Feb 11, 2024 | Community

Dear Rev. Fr. Peter, Fr. Francios and all the parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi,

I want to acknowledge your generosity in sharing your gifts with the poorest of the poor. St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta said “Not all of us can do great things in this world. But we can do small things with great love.” The way you support my mission makes me feel that you have a great appreciation for our school for the underprivileged children. 

I take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for your kind understanding with my request for support and the contributions to our mission. You are very generous! MAY THE LORD BLESS YOU ALL! 

Each and every dollar that you have shared is worthy, and they will be completely used for the benefit of the needy children with autism. It is a means of evangelization to the gentile world. I promise our sincere prayers for you all. I would request for your continued prayers and support in the future. LET US STAY CONNECTED IN LOVE and PRAYERS!

Once again thanking you all!

Yours in Jesus,
Fr. Jacob

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