Synod Synodality

Mar 13, 2022 | Community

Join Bishop Andrzej for Liturgical Catechesis

This lecture will be presented via ZOOM. All are Invited to Participate.

Tuesday, March 15


Monday, April 25


Wednesday, Mat 18


To receive the ZOOM link, please call Suzanne at 516-744-6850 or email If you previously registered for prior ZOOM calls, thereis NO need to register again – you will automatically receive the ZOOM link via email.

“The Synod calls the People of God, in all their diversity, to embark on a journey together toward a common mission to witness the love of God at work in the world.”

– Synod Preparatory Document

To receive the ZOOM link, please call Suzanne at 516-744-6850 or email If you previously registered for prior ZOOM calls, there is NO need to register again – you will automatically receive the ZOOM link via email.
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Easter Letter from DRVC

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy Easter to you and your families! Thank you for your love for the inspired Word of God. Thank you for your love for the Resurrection appearances of our Lord in this Easter season and the way your lives are set on fire in your meditation and contemplation of these mysteries.
