Sacraments of Holy Eucharist & Confirmation

May 21, 2021 | Community, Featured

Celebrated at St. Francis

Always with the desire to keep the children of our parish on grade level with their Faith Formation/Religious Education studies; we were blessed to be able to develop a satisfactory program for grades 1 — 8. Safe distance protocols made it impossible for us to hold in-person classes in the lower church classrooms this year — we’re waiting and hoping that will change for the 2021-2022 term.

Grades 1 thru 8 students were given study books along with a curriculum and guide; to generally do one lesson per week. Each lesson; on every grade level instructs the student to do a “chapter review quiz”. The quiz score is then emailed to a Religious Ed teacher who was recording each student’s lesson received. We have received a great deal of positive feedback from our enrolled families.

Grades 2 and 8 — “the sacrament years” — did have additional events when they were assembled on site. Such as: Reconciliation during Advent and Lent, Confirmation and First Communion parent meetings/retreat, the Diocesan required annual Confirmation retreat presented by a certified youth minister.

Second graders also celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation (administered by Fr. Peter & Fr. Francois) for the first time in their young lives. Of course all wore masks, with safe distancing, sanitizing protocols in place for these on site events.

Saturday, April 24; two Confirmation Masses were celebrated with Father Peter — delegated by Bishop Barres to administer the Sacrament; Deacon Allan assisted. Saturday, May 1; two First Holy Communion Masses were celebrated by Fr. Peter, assisted by Deacon Allan.

All four Sacrament Masses were beautifully enhanced with music by our parish music ministers: Mr. Peter Schubart & Alissa Corrao. Many thanks to the teachers that took tickets at the doors and took up the Offertory collections. And as you can see in the pictures….. Mother Nature could not have blessed us with more beautiful Spring days; one as beautiful as the other and smiling faces.

Thank you Lord for your inspiration, grace, wisdom and guidance; thanks also to all the supportive Parents/Guardians, thanks to all our Teachers, Parish Staff — most especially thanks to
Mrs. Anita Modelewski.

Deacon Allan D. Longo, DRE

All Photos from Holy Eucharist and Confirmation

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