Remembering Fr. Pat

Jan 6, 2021 | Community

I first met Fr. Pat way back in 1967 right after I was discharged from the US Navy.  Fr. Pat was a young priest of 31 or 32 and our first of many memorable moments throughout the years was his officiating at my wedding to my beautiful bride, Joan in 1968 at St. Matthew’s Church.  It was quite a few years later that I ran into Fr. Pat again here at St. Francis in the 1980’s. When I told Fr. Pat that he married Joan and me, his response was “Well, I guess it took!” This was Fr. Pat!  We were able to get caught up, and soon enough I became head usher at St. Francis and got to know Fr. Pat throughout the years.  I was able to see Fr. Pat at his best and at his most challenged. 

He endured a lot of suffering in the end and it was my profound honor to sit with him for 3-4 hours during his chemo treatments and learn from him. We talked about everything from the state of the world, religion and growing up on Long Island. We became real friends. I always referred to Fr. Pat as “Father”. 

At one of his treatments, his nurse remarked about what a wonderful son Pat had!  Now if you know me you know I have grey hair!  Fr. Pat, always up for a joke, continued to refer to me as his son, Paul, to the nurses throughout his treatments!  My biggest blessing was to be able to minister to Fr. Pat, who took care of so many others in his lifetime, while he was at the end of his.  Rest in Peace, Father.

Paul Sepp

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