News from the Knights

Oct 24, 2021 | Community, Religious Education

August 5 Blood Drive, Council Hall

The Greenlawn chapter of the Knights of Columbus has a lot happening this fall. Established in 1959, the St. Joseph Council #4810 serves our parish, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church in Centerport, and beyond. Well known throughout the world, the Knights of Columbus provide financial aid and additional support to those in need, the sick, and the disabled, with aid and relief offered beyond the Catholic community of members to help the wider community across the U.S. and beyond.

The council has earned special “Star Council” status many times including the last three years in a row, exceeding goals related to new membership, family programs, community outreach, support for Right to Life issues, and Faith based initiatives and projects. Our parish can always count on the Knights to help in any way possible with fundraising, and parish activities. Apart from being an integral part of St. Francis church, the Knights donate and lend support to Veterans and the VA hospital with assistance at Mass, to Seminarians in their vocation pursuits, with blood drives, Masses that honor police, firefighters and those in armed service, and numerous food and toy drives year-round. Recently the Knights stepped forward as three members signed up in Religious Ed when our parish encountered a shortage of teachers. 

Their activities are too numerous to mention, and their assistance to St. Francis and their position as caretakers and stalwarts of our parish are a true model for us all. The Knights welcome all interested and willing to join them in these important and fulfilling service ministries. Peter Dowd and all members are pleased to talk to anyone who is seeking more information. 

Peter can be reached at, 631 235-8493.     

More Photos from Knights of Columbus

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