New Year’s and Resolutions

Jan 9, 2022 | Community

A new year, a new page, a chance to begin again all the good intentions we have for ourselves and for others. Some involve physical commitments, like more exercise or a change in diet. Some are intellectual, to read more, or take a class. Others are social resolutions, to spend more time with others, or to volunteer. This year, make sure to include spiritual resolutions as well. Here are three suggestions to consider for getting started.

Daily Prayer – God meets us in a very real and present way when we come to him in prayer. The time of day doesn’t matter, either start the day with Him, or recap in the evening. The words we use are a personal choice, either the familiar prayers we know by heart, or just an outpouring of what we feel or are thinking. We can pray for others, we can pray for help with a problem or issue, we can pray for strength. God just wants to hear from us.

Weekly Mass – Mass is a sacrifice, and a meal, as we receive Christ as true food for our souls in Communion. We also join together in community as a parish. Just seeing others together in worship reminds us of the universality of our faith, and that we have tremendous support, even from strangers. 

This is particularly true in times of estrangement, such as we have endured this past year. 

Monthly Reconciliation – Jesus created the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation because he knew we would stray. He also knew we would want to come back. Regular participation in this sacrament sharpens our sense of sin, holds us accountable for our errors, and gives us the grace to keep trying for holiness. It draws us ever closer to God, and heals us like nothing else can.

May you enjoy the gift of this new year, and 

the blessings and challenges it will bring!

Some material used with permission by Growing In Faith newsletter January, 2022.

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