Medjugorje – A Spiritual Journey Through and Through

Apr 17, 2024 | Community

Linda Snyder has made multiple trips to Medjugorje, her most recent in 2021 with the St. Francis group.

I have a history with Medjugorje.  My parents went there in the 80’s to see what was happening there, visiting as a side trip from Rome. Medjugorje had a transformation effect on them, from nominal Sunday Catholics to living the Gospel in their everyday lives. My older brother visited next, where he witnessed many miracles, which transformed his life as well. 

My husband and I went in 1995. It was there that I experienced Heaven on earth!  There was so much peace and joy!! I was introduced to our Blessed Mother whom I really had never known. When my husband passed away in 2011, I felt a calling to share my home and resources by  adopting two older children. They came to me with no understanding of God or Jesus. They spent the next 8 years learning about God, Jesus and the Bible in their Christian school, yet I knew they did not have any true sense of understanding.

Taking the children to Medjugorje was my “Pearl of Great Price.” The trip came at great cost financially, and neither of them wanted to come. But I knew, as a  parent, that a faith life and introducing them to their “perfect” Blessed Mother would be a gift that would last their lifetime, long after I am gone!

Well, my kids were filled with peace and joy!!  Rose was asked if she wanted to be baptized – her “sure!!” about knocked me off my feet!  The whole week, she was bubbling over with happiness and this has not stopped since we’ve been home.  She was given the gift of carrying the flag of China, her native land, when it was time for the parade of countries. This was a huge honor for her! She and my son received an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that had filled the entire town with so much peace and joy! I knew that it was a taste of Heaven to feel this in our souls!

The trip was hard for me, as I am older.  My knees were swollen, the heat was hard to bear.  But none of that stopped the peace and joy from overflowing to everyone around us.  We had a very beautiful pilgrimage group to travel with and Fr Peter was our extraordinary spiritual director.  The trip was truly blessed!  I feel it is important that I encourage other young people to attend the Youth Festival in the future!  My kids would both love to go back. My son is 16 and much quieter about what he felt within.  My daughter, at 21, could not keep any of the Holy Spirit from bubbling forth from her. Thank you for this opportunity to share!

Deadlines for registering and sending your deposit are approaching fast! If you wish to be apart of this amazing and spiritual experience or find out more information about it, please contact Fr Peter Kaczmarek or Sharon Collins at at or by phone 631-757-7435.


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