Celebrating St. Joseph the Worker on Labor Day

Sep 19, 2021 | Community, Featured

During Bishop Barres’ visit to St. Francis on September 4, he spoke about Labor Day and about St. Joseph the Worker. It was an especially poignant homily as this is the year of St. Joseph! Here is his complete letter, it is well worth a read!! And you may notice a familiar image on the cover!! Our very own church window depicting St. Joseph and Jesus!!! 

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: 

This Year of St. Joseph announced by Pope Francis on December 8, 2020, continues to be a time of grace and mission. 

The Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter Patris Corde (With a Father’s Heart) has helped enliven devotion to St. Joseph and revealed his influence and intercession in the events of everyday life. My own pastoral letter Go to Joseph! tried to synthesize the impact of St. Joseph in Church and world history, as well as in the timeless teachings of popes and saints. 

“To read the full letter, Click the button below.


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