Annual Thanksgiving Food Collection

Oct 23, 2022 | Community

The St. Vincient De Paul Society is collecting food for Thanksgiving Baskets to be distributed to those in need in St. Francis Parish. 


Food Donations are Due by Monday November 14! (food will be distributed to the
families that week)

Items can be placed in the donation bins in the church lobby or brought downstairs to the lower church.

Turkeys under 15 pounds are greatly needed! 

Additional Items 

  • Canned Vegetbles  
  • Canned Yams 
  • Cranberry Sauce 
  • Boxed Stuffing 
  • Instant Potatoes 
  • Soup 
  • Gravy 
  • Bottled Juices 
  • Jello 
  •  Instant Pudding 
  • Corn Muffin Mix 
  • Cake Mix & Frosting 
  • Cookies 
  • Coffee 
  • Tea 

“Whatsoever you do for the least of your brothers, you do for me” Matt 25:40 

Thank you for your kindness and God Bless You for Your Generosity!

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