12th Annual Parish BOOSTER CLUB

Aug 8, 2021 | Community

Welcome to the start of our 12th Annual Parish Booster Club. 

Everybody loves a winner. So join up, be a winner and help St. Francis be a winner too.

There will be a weekly and a monthly drawing. The club will be a true club and your ticket(s) remain in play for an entire year. (September 6, 2021 to August 29, 2022)  Just imagine – one ticket purchased and you are in the running every single week of the year! 

What Are The Rules? 

Each week (Monday morning) in the rectory, there will be a drawing and a $60.00 winner.

The winner drawn during the last week of the month takes home $600.00! At Christmas (the 2nd week of December), the monthly prize is doubled to 1200.00!  Each week, the winner’s name appears in the bulletin. Monthly winners ($600) will be announced from the lectern on Sunday. Tickets are $50.00 each. You may buy as many as you wish, giving you more opportunities to win. All tickets stay in the bin all year. Purchase early and you have over 50 chances to win. You may, however, purchase more tickets at any time during the entire year. Also you can purchase tickets on behalf of others and give them as gifts. 

Return The Ticket Stubs With Your Check 

Two (2) tickets are enclosed for you with this letter. We encourage all parishioners to purchase both or just try to do your best! You may turn in your stubs and remittance in the Sunday collection basket or in the mail. Additional tickets may be purchased throughout the year at the rectory.

Weekly Excitement! Weekly Blessings! 

“God loves a cheerful giver” and giving to the parish in this way is enjoyable – many like to “take a chance”, go to Mass, and find out who won! Please join at your very earliest convenience.

The First Drawing will take place on Tuesday, September 7th, in the Rectory!

Your participation will ensure a meaningful boost in the parish income during these stressful times. Thank you in advance for your generous response. My only regret is that we all can’t win the prizes. Remember that even without winning the cash, Boosters are all true winners in God’s sight! 

God’s Blessings, Rev. Peter F. Kaczmarek, Pastor 

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