St. Vincent de Paul – November 2022

Nov 27, 2022 | Social, St. Vincent de Paul

St Vincent DePaul Society is a Catholic lay organization that leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.

Week of November 27th: The First Sunday of Advent

There is an Advent spirit in the heart of every human person. It is one of longing, of yearning for a fulfillment that somehow lies beyond ourselves; for we long for the coming of the Lord.

As you put your gift in the St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box, your heart will discover the true meaning of Christmas as you help those who are suffering and poor to long for the coming of the Lord.

*Checks made payable to Society of St. Vincent DePaul and dropped in the collection baskets will help us serve our neighbors in need throughout the Greenlawn area.

Week of November 20th: The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Gospel predicts end times; our challenge though is to live faithfully now. St. Vincent often asked this simple question: “What would Jesus Christ do, if he were in my place now?

Ask yourself “What would Jesus Christ do?” and then put your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box so that those who are suffering will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Week of November 13th: Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Gospel predicts end times; our challenge though is to live faithfully now. St. Vincent often asked this simple question: “What would Jesus Christ do, if he were in my place now?

Ask yourself “What would Jesus Christ do?” and then put your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box so that those who are suffering will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Week of November 6th: Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel we find that God is a God of the living, and this is indeed the core of our hope. Jesus has risen and is with us, therefore, at no time should we be without hope for the future.

When you give the furniture, household items and clothing you no longer use to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you give hope to your neighbors who have nothing.

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