Pastor’s Desk – Month of September 2022

Sep 25, 2022 | Pastors Desk

A Message from Father Peter

September 25th – Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Up, Up and Over! (Our Goal)

Here at St. Francis, we have a glorious history with the St. Vincent DePaul Society! Not only are we one of the oldest parish conferences in our area but some of our most dedicated and compassionate parishioners have been active members for many years. We have commissioned a statue of St. Vincent with children to help us remember our tradition. The members themselves have already contributed most of the funds needed but they are a few hundred dollars short. Perhaps you would like to help and be a part of a glorious story here at St. Francis. You may call the rectory for further details.

Carol Rubano Director of Living Waters Catholic Counseling Center will be speaking at all Masses this weekend inviting you all to the October 2, 2022 Blessing of the center at 11:00am. Bishop Robert Coyle will be here to say 10:00am Mass and the Blessing after Mass.  Hospitality will be on side lawn between church and Rectory. Please join us to see the center and socialize outside before the weather gets too cold!

A Message from Father Peter

September 18th – Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Kevin Kozub was a member of the group from St. Francis that traveled last month to Medjugorje for the 2022 Youth Festival. Here is his testimony of his time there:

“I don’t think I have experienced a place as holy as Medjugorje. Hundreds of priests saying Mass in front of me and giving out Holy Communion. Confession offered in virtually every language. Thousands of people attending Mass, praying the rosary, and offering Adoration every day. My faith grew on this trip and so did my self-awareness. Now, I try to look inward every day and ask myself, “Am I living my Catholic faith? Am I doing and accepting God’s will? Was I in service of others today?”

 If you are struggling with something and looking for peace in your life, I suggest you take this pilgrimage. It helped me get closer to God and I believe it can do the same for everyone.” 

September 11th – Twenty-Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Back to School!

“School Bells” are ringing everywhere, and also here in the parish. Our religious education program (Grades 1-8) opens Sept 12, 2022 to serve about 350 children. It is such a hopeful thing to see the children and their youthful enthusiasm! How do we translate this joy into living faith, eager to share God’s love with all who come to us? Parents are the first and most important teachers of their children in the ways of faith. 

We are here at the parish to provide critical assistance, materials, and instruction, with scheduling to enhance and compliment day-in and day-out living out the Gospel. The arrival of the fall season and school is the perfect time for parents to make a renewed commitment to “Church on Sunday”. First Communion is a blessing for the whole family and the perfect time to start coming back to Sunday Mass. Here at St. Francis, we have a great staff and teachers; now we need that change of heart and a full response to God’s offer of himself in the holy sacrifice of the Mass.

September 4th – Twenty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Vicar’s Visit and Dedication

Soon our great Labor of Love – I refer to our repurposed 3-car garage! – will be officially Blessed and open for appointments. Bishop Robert Coyle, our Vicar here in Suffolk, will be principal celebrant at the 10:00am Sunday Mass on October 2, 2022. After Mass he will bless our new Living Waters Therapeutic Catholic Counseling Center. Hospitality will follow immediately afterward in the new building.

They will be our first tenant! The Center will be substantially helped by this space and the parish will profit from its collaborative presence here in so many ways. Faith-based counseling is not easily found these days. It is a privilege to be part of making it happen here. Carol Rubano is the Founder and Director of Living Waters Counseling Center, and she will be speaking to the parish about her work. We look forward to having this relationship grow between Living Waters and St. Francis parish.

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